Rob Gay

Rob Gay headshot
Regional Area Association Representative – AKBLG Region, Governance Committee Chair
City Affiliation
Regional District of East Kootenay

Rob Gay is serving as Electoral Area C Director with the Regional District of East Kootenay, representing citizens surrounding the City of Cranbrook. He is also the Chair of the RDEK Board. Mr. Gay is active in a number of provincial and regional committees including Recycle B.C. Provincial Advisory Committee, a Trustee with the Municipal Finance Authority of B.C., Chair of the Southeastern B.C. Regional Connectivity Committee, and a Director with the MIABC.

Mr. Gay understands the many issues facing local rural government and prides himself on being solution orientated. The MIABC is a very unique organization as an insurance business run by and for its members. 

After serving on the Board for a period of time, I still feel like a new director and take every opportunity to learn and contribute to advancing the needs of the organization and it's membership and owners."